Every thought emits energy in the form of electromagnetic waves from the brain, and every feeling emits electromagnetic waves from the heart - everything is energy - that is quantum physics.
In my work as a spiritual psychotherapist, I often use tarot readings. Some may think that the cards drawn are purely random, but that is not the case. Many also believe that I am the one who should draw the cards, but that is not the case either. Since everything is energy, it is the client who needs to infuse their energy into the cards and then lay them out as directed. The energy mixed in the cards is reflected in the tarot readings themselves. Clients are always amazed at how accurate the cards they draw and my readings are, and then they are reassured by the harmony they experience internally with the messages they receive.
When I heal, it is also pure energy - I send universal light and love to my client, who is lovingly and gently enveloped in blankets, ensuring they lie safely and comfortably. I work with the 7 chakras. The 7 chakras are located in a vertical line along the spine from the tailbone to the top of the head and constitute our energy body. In addition to the chakras, the energy body also consists of meridian pathways that guide the energy from the chakras into the body. When our chakras are in balance, we ensure balance in the energy supply from the quantum field, which is the energy field to which we are all connected. This balance is also felt when we are in nature - taking a walk in the forest or along the sea, as nature is in harmony. The chakras are mentioned in the sacred Hindu scriptures called the Vedas and date back to about 2500 years before our era.
The energy body is also called the etheric body, which envelops the physical body about 2 cm from the skin and surrounds the body with a fine luminous aura. In the East, this etheric energy is called Prana or Chi.
“We should rather see ourselves as the energy surrounding our many trillion cells than as the cells that make up the body.” Albert Einstein
I also work extensively to guide my clients to raise awareness - to be aware that we create our own reality. It is therefore important that we become aware of our thoughts and that thoughts create emotions. Thoughts are energy, so what are you sending out? Is it negative thoughts? If so, you attract more negativity into your life. Or are you filling your consciousness with positive thoughts?
“If you want the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Nikola Tesla
It is thought-provoking that scientists like Einstein and Tesla, as well as ancient Vedic scriptures and others, describe humans and everything as pure energy, and today we can still doubt this - they were undoubtedly ahead of their time. The interesting thing is that scientists today can prove that everything is energy, that we are part of a vast quantum field - that we are part of everything.