What is spiritual psychotherapy?
Spiritual psychotherapy acknowledges that humans do not only consist of a body and mind, but also have a spiritual dimension. And what does it mean to have a spiritual dimension?
Most of us recognize it as an impulse or intuition that comes from within - a spark of light that often is overheard. That spark of light is your soul - your spirit - that part of you that is compassionate and knows what is in your best interest. Your soul or Higher Self, which it is also called, is also known as your big self, whereas your ego is your little self.
Imagine that there is an open ocean and that your little self (your ego) are the waves, and your big self (Higher Self) is below the waves, where there is stillness.
The ego is the waves that storm and is always in motion - fierce, unpredictable and forever changing. The ego is afraid and considers the world to be a dangerous place and is constantly fighting to get more of something or avoiding something - a condition of ongoing movement (doing), like waves.
Your Higher Self, on the contrary, is calm and observant - the part that has the overview and always has faith in life and knows that the universe is pure love - a place of being, where there is peace.
So we can choose to live in fear, which is ego driven, or a life of love, where we have faith in life, which is driven by our Higher Self. And yes we do have a choice - a choice to become aware and raise our consciousness. A consciousness that entails the realization that we are so much more than our body and mind, and that we also have a divine Higher Self.
As humans our ego serves a purpose in being in the world, but we can raise our consciousness and free ourselves from our ego drama. When we seek to grow through therapy we become aware of those parts of our personality, which hinder us from living and abundant live with all of our potential - a life, where we are in harmony.
Perhaps you are carrying childhood traumas or beliefs that stand in the way of you living a fullfilled life. Connecting with your inner child and releasing your past has a huge impact for your present and future and is essential in becoming a free spirit. The truth is that you have come into this world as pure love and you have always been pure love. You have forgotten this and have been led to think otherwise in your upbringing and through social norms.
Many people lead spiritual lives, and for those the above is obvious. For others this may be a whole new approach and a whole other way of being in the world. I embrace all ways of living and beliefs, but sometimes I believe it can be healthy to question ones viewpoint - it could be life changing.
So beautiful soul don´t let fear rule your life - step into love and have faith in the world - here lies the freedom.